Women’s Shamanic Drumming, Journeying & Dreaming Circle
The Women’s Shamanic Drumming & Journeying Circle meets at The Standing Bear on the third Sunday of the month from 1-4 pm, and includes tea and potluck snacks.
In this group, you learn how to be a contributing member of a feminist shamanic women’s circle; how to properly care for and develop relationship with your drum; and how to work within the context of a shamanic women’s circle on developing basic shamanic drumming and journeying skills.
Tuition is by Donation
Suggested donation: $10 per session, or whatever you can honestly afford. Pre-registration is required.
For more information, to register, or to arrange to be a sponsor of this workshop at your location, please contact Scarlet or call her at 207.664.0752
Developing Feminine Shamanic Consciousness
Over the course of this year-long ongoing training, you gradually develop deepening feminine shamanic consciousness as you leave behind the misperceptions and wounds of your life.
You learn to establish right relationship with nature, family, and community and to establish and protect your sacred space and feminine rights within your living environment.
You undertake ceremonial work to heal the wounds of childhood and of your transition into puberty in a patriarchal culture.
You learn to awaken and integrate five basic feminine shamanic goddess archetypes found within women’s psyches.
You learn the basics of relating with consciousness to the plant and herb world, and you learn the basics of feminist shamanic journeying, drumming, dancing and singing.
This group meets monthly for an eight-hour workshop which includes a potluck lunch and dinner. You can join this ongoing group at the beginning of any seasonal quarter or prior to the summer workshop in August: December 21; March 21; June 21; August 1; and September 21. It is best if you make a commitment to complete a full year’s training when you begin, in order for you to achieve a balanced, integrated understanding of how each season’s teachings complement and balance one another. The minimum commitment is to one full quarter’s study.
Tuition per monthly workshop: $65, payable in advance for each seasonal quarter at $195.
For more information, to register, or to arrange to be a sponsor of this workshop at your location, please contact Scarlet or call her at 207.664.0752
The Feminist Shamanic Medicine Wheel Mandala®:
Mythic Pathway To Feminine Psychological Growth
The realms of myth and shamanic experience are intertwined, and cannot be separated. All of the content of the Feminist Shamanic Medicine Wheel Mandala is mythic in nature. As the mandala is the basis of feminist shamanism, a feminist shamanic path is steeped in mythic meaning.
The Feminist Shamanic Medicine Wheel Mandala® is a living three-dimensional reality existing independent of physical reality, yet bound to it by threads of mythic meaning. Each of the five directions within the middle level of the Medicine Wheel Mandala offers teachings to help us along our path to self-realization, or the feminist shamanic “awakening.”
In this workshop, you learn to use feminist shamanic journey methods to explore the mythic meanings of the landscapes of each of the Five Directions within the middle level of the Feminist Shamanic Medicine Wheel Mandala®.
This two-part weekend workshop is offered once each year at The Standing Bear and elsewhere by arrangement. It begins with a Saturday evening gathering from 5 – 9 pm, during which we share a potluck meal and open the workshop with a smudge ceremony, which includes drumming, singing and chanting, followed by a medicine wheel mandala meditation. On Sunday, we gather again from 10 am – 6 pm, and learn to use feminist shamanic journey methods to explore and seek teachings from each direction, which are shared with the group. The workshop concludes with shamanic women’s council and drumming following a potluck meal on Saturday evening.
Tuition for this fourteen-hour seminar is $125. Pre-registration is required.
For more information, to register, or to arrange to be a sponsor of this workshop at your location, please contact Scarlet or call her at 207.664.0752
The Archetypal Symbolism Of The Feminist Shamanic
Medicine Wheel Mandala®
Archetypes are psychic energies and potentials that express themselves as images in dreams, shamanic journeys, visionary experiences, and are sometimes described in poetry, writing or art. Specifically shamanic archetypes are found within the psychic container of the Feminist Shamanic Medicine Wheel Mandala®. They take the forms of seasonal landscapes, celestial bodies, spirit guides in animal and human form, elemental spirits, and even weather phenomena such as thunder and lightning, rain, tornadoes, etc. In this workshop, you learn to journey directly to various archetypes within the Medicine Wheel Mandala and seek knowledge about their shamanic meanings directly from the archetypes themselves.
This two-part weekend workshop is offered once each year at The Standing Bear and elsewhere by arrangement. It begins with a Saturday evening gathering from 5 – 9 pm, during which we share a potluck meal and open the workshop with a smudge ceremony, which includes drumming, singing and chanting, followed by a medicine wheel mandala meditation. On Sunday, we gather again from 10 am – 6 pm, and learn to use feminist shamanic journey methods to explore and seek teachings from various shamanic archetypes found within each direction in the Feminist Shamanic Medicine Wheel Mandala®, which are shared with the group. The workshop concludes with shamanic women’s council and drumming following a potluck meal on Saturday evening.
Tuition for this twelve-hour seminar is $125. Pre-registration is required.
For more information, to register, or to arrange to be a sponsor of this workshop at your location, please contact Scarlet or call her at 207.664.0752
Feminist Shamanic Goddess Archetypes & Mythology
This is a six-part seminar consisting of five shamanic goddess workshops and concluding with a full Shamanic Goddess Council during which workshop participants as well as any woman, may enter the Council circle and seek guidance from any of the goddess archetypes taught in the seminar. The guidance sought will be retrieved for them by Scarlet and seminar participants.
Each of the five shamanic goddess archetypes we’ll encounter during this seminar has her own mythology, skills and talents, and is available to assist you with particular kinds of issues and “lives” within a particular direction within the mandala. Each goddess embodies the qualities, challenges and accomplishments available to us through shamanic work undertaken within the direction to which she “belongs.”
Each shamanic goddess’s ways are taught in the particular season with which she is associated. You can choose to take any workshop individually, or for a complete journey around the Feminist Shamanic Medicine Wheel Mandala® with these goddesses, you can take the entire series sequentially, beginning in February.
February/North Goddess: She Who Fears Nothing
She Who Fears Nothing is a dual goddess and her fearlessness is dual as well. She is the Great Mother, who nurtures all of her creations, and she is the Fierce Protector of those creations who has the capacity to unemotionally eliminate from her environment any person or situation that threatens them. Her symbols are the chalice and the sword. Wolf walks with this goddess.
April/East Goddess: She Who Walks in Beauty
She Who Walks in Beauty is also a dual goddess. On the one hand, she brings harmony, peace and beauty wherever she walks. On the other hand, it is she who possesses the spiritual power and energy to free women from bondage to internalized patriarchal concepts of spirituality and set us free to pursue our true feminine spirituality. Her symbols are the rainbow and certain gemstones. Owl attends this goddess.
July/South Goddess: She Who Gives and Takes Life
Another goddess expressing feminine duality, She Who Gives and Takes Life is the ever-fertile, birthing aspect of Mother energy. Her duality lies in the fact that in birthing life, she also gives death, as everything that is born must one day die. She expresses this harsh reality while at the same time accepting her profound fertility. Her symbols are the Waterfall and the Great Marsh through which one can travel back through time into past lives. Red Serpent accompanies this goddess.
August/Center Goddess: She Who Maintains Balance
This most ancient of feminist shamanic goddess archetypes resides beneath the sea at the Center of the Feminist Shamanic Medicine Wheel Mandala®. She balances the polarities and tensions of the complementary energies of the North/South – East/West paths, as well as all other complementary energies found within the Feminist Shamanic Medicine Wheel Mandala®. She is the epitome of patience, stability, wise perception and forbearance, carrying everything and everybody upon her generous back. Her symbols are the green spirit stone and the seas. She often appears to us in the form of Sea Turtle.
October/West Goddess: She Who Dances with Power
She Who Dances with Power is the least understood feminine goddess archetype, and the one most repressed by western patriarchal culture. Black, wanton, wild, and uncontrollable, her talent lies in creating chaos as a means of getting to the heart of any situation or person, or of causing people or situations to reveal their true nature in response to her “crazy” behavior. Once she has seen into the person or situation, however, she becomes calm, while the people or situations she has been looking into are still spinning out-of-control in the confusion she created. Her symbols are the whirlwind and the staff. She walks with Coyote.
November/Shamanic Goddess Council
The Shamanic Goddess Council consists of two parts. In the morning session, seminar participants will create unity and collective shamanic consciousness through meditation, movement, drumming, dancing and chanting. In the afternoon session, participants and any other woman who wishes to do so may enter the Council circle to seek guidance from one of the five shamanic goddesses we’ve worked with over the course of the seminar. Seminar participants will then journey on behalf of the seeker to bring back guidance from that goddess.
Workshops are held on Sundays from 10 am – 6 pm with a potluck lunch and dinner; dates to be arranged as registration fills (Minimum of four women per workshop is required to achieve full benefit). Pre-registration is required.
Tuition is $65 per workshop, or reduced price of $295 if participating in all six workshops with payment in advance.
For more information, to register, or to arrange to be a sponsor of this workshop at your location, please contact Scarlet or call her at 207.664.0752