Shamanic First Aid for Today’s Woman

SFA CoverI’m very pleased to announce completion of my most recent writing effort, titled “Shamanic First Aid for Today’s Woman,” an 80-page purse-sized booklet rich with simple feminist shamanic fixes for common issues faced by today’s women in their personal and professional lives. “Shamanic First Aid for Today’s Woman” identifies five feminine shamanic directional personality types, explains the particular issues each faces, and describes how each personality type is likely to respond or react to pressure or stress. It offers teachings, guidance, visualizations, breathwork exercises, and affirmation chants, all of which help women deal with the stresses and challenges they must negotiate in today’s world, as well as a six-page index, so that you can quickly look things up on the go. Currently at the printers, the first small run will be available for purchase beginning March 10th. Most of this run has been pre-sold, leaving only twenty copies currently available, so it’s not too soon to reserve your copy. (A second run will soon follow.) To reserve your copy, send me your contact information using the site’s contact form, and I’ll notify you when it’s available for purchase.

Here are two excerpts from the section on the North:

She Who Nurtures & Protects

The shamanic companion of She Who Nurtures & Protects

The shamanic companion of She Who Nurtures & Protects

She Who Nurtures and Protects is an aspect of the Great Mother archetype as it expresses itself in the shamanic North. Wolf is her companion. She teaches us how to nurture and protect our feminine creations. In one hand she carries a sacred cup containing the essences of those creations, and in the other, a sword, which she uses protect them from harm. On the one hand, she is the ultimate nurturing mother, teaching us how to properly care for our creations. On the other hand, she is a powerful, emotionally detached Warrioress, teaching us how to use her sword to imaginally cut away any relationship or situation which disrespects or is about to cause us to “spill” the contents of our sacred cup. What are our feminine creations? They are physical manifestations of the deepest desires of our souls. They can be our relationships with children and other loved ones, our environments, our carefully tended gardens, even our quilting or our sewing.

North Affirmation Chant

In the place of the Midnight Moon
In the place of eternal Winter
In the place of blizzard and ice
Where Wolf roams,
I stand atop the frozen Crystal Mountain
Gazing towards the Center, where Sea Turtle abides.
As nurturing love and protective power embrace me,
I am freed of my fears of external authority figures.
I stand upon the authority and collective wisdom
Of my feminine ancestry.
My arms reach for the sky,
Calling down unto myself that which is needed
To realize my soul’s purpose.
Before me is personal power. May I walk in power.
Behind me is personal strength. May I walk in strength.
To my right is the love required to nurture. May I honor it.
To my left is the ability to protect. May I discover it.
I set my intent to honor, earn and fully express
These, the gifts of the shamanic North.

Posted in Primary posts, Scarlet's Books & Booklets

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