Sea Turtle Teachings & Secondary Shamanic Initiations As we continued our talking circles and shamanic scanning, it became clear that one of the women in our circle was experiencing a secondary level of shamanic initiation, and that the imagery she…
Sea Turtle Teachings & Secondary Shamanic Initiations As we continued our talking circles and shamanic scanning, it became clear that one of the women in our circle was experiencing a secondary level of shamanic initiation, and that the imagery she…
Lizard Medicine & Feminist Shamanic Dream Healing One of the women at the Intensive, who deals with a challenging family history on an ongoing basis, reported having recurring nightmares related to that history, and it soon became clear that…
PART FOUR: Sea Turtle Goddess Teachings In Feminist Shamanic teachings, Sea Turtle’s home is at the Center of the Medicine Wheel Mandala, where she holds the entire archetypal content of the mandala in perfect stability and balance, a metaphor for…
I’m very pleased to announce completion of my most recent writing effort, titled “Shamanic First Aid for Today’s Woman,” an 80-page purse-sized booklet rich with simple feminist shamanic fixes for common issues faced by today’s women in their personal and…