PART EIGHT: Black Bear & “Soft Paw” Medicine It was the last day of the retreat, and Moon Dancer and I had the day to ourselves to review the work we had done. Early that morning, soon after the…
PART EIGHT: Black Bear & “Soft Paw” Medicine It was the last day of the retreat, and Moon Dancer and I had the day to ourselves to review the work we had done. Early that morning, soon after the…
Sea Turtle Teachings & Secondary Shamanic Initiations As we continued our talking circles and shamanic scanning, it became clear that one of the women in our circle was experiencing a secondary level of shamanic initiation, and that the imagery she…
Swan Medicine & Past Life Healing It never occurred to us, when we chose to remain open to whatever animal spirits appeared to assist us with our healing work over the weekend, that the shamanic archetype taking the form of…