In this video, I share teachings about feminine beauty as given to me by five feminist shamanic goddess archetypes found within the Middle level of shamanic reality. These teachings about feminine beauty are part of my new booklet, “Shamanic First…
In this video, I share teachings about feminine beauty as given to me by five feminist shamanic goddess archetypes found within the Middle level of shamanic reality. These teachings about feminine beauty are part of my new booklet, “Shamanic First…
In traditional shamanic cultures, shamanic performance was an important part of a shaman’s efforts to maintain mental and physical health within her community. Such performances might include storytelling during which the shaman described her shamanic visionary states and journeys for the purpose of healing those present. In the world of contemporary western shamanic culture, such events are rarely, if ever, available to members of its shamanic communities, who no longer live in tightly-knit villages, but are more likely to be scattered all over the country, or the world.
Part of my shamanic calling is to offer shamanic healing performances involving imagery, storytelling, drumming, chanting and singing, but because of the scattered nature of the contemporary shamanic community, and because I live and practice shamanism in an area with a low population density, it’s rarely possible to do so in person.
To compensate for this difficulty, I’ve added this page to the web site to share my feminist shamanic teaching videos, and my shamanic paintings, which are accompanied by short feminist shamanic teaching stories and my original shamanic music.
Please share this page with others you know who may be interested, as I would like these free teachings to reach as many people as possible.
If you have questions about feminist shamanism, feminist shamanic counseling or training, or about shamanism in general, please use this form to submit them.
As time allows, I’ll post answers to frequently asked questions or those that I feel will be interesting to people visiting the site.
If you have personal questions about entering training or counseling, please address such questions directly to me at with a subject line that reads Personal Inquiry.